i find it very very amusing that the ones from e tropical climate countries (ie ME plus shimoni) are DYING/wilting/melting in the heat. hahaha. GAH. its so hot, plus my room has so little ventilation, i feel like i'm being roasted in my room everyday -.- its so disgusting. i want my airconnnn. -whines- i am an absolute brat when it comes to heat, everyone knows how much i hate the sun and the heat -.- give me winter anyday thank you. i NEVER complain about e cold. i think i'm wearing less here than i normally wear in spore. hahaha. cos there's like no aircon anywhere. its so freaking hot. so i'm in spag tops & shorts everyday. gosh. i had to get out of my hall today and go to starbucks just to get some aircon. its ridiculous. haha. studied there for a bit, came back and promptly fell asleep on my bed.
my sleeping habits are so bad now -.- its like i've been sleeping 3-5 hours 'normal sleep' time, then taking 20 min naps once in awhile, and one like 1 hour-ish nap somewhere in e middle. i just can't wait for e exams to be other, though i think i'm going to be in deep shit when results come out. i'm so gonna get slaughtered if i screw this up. sighs. sian
oh i'm so happy (((: so many ppl are flying up to london! hehehee. let's see, there's jerrine next week. I MISS YOU JER! too long too long. then sharon and iris too :D yayness. i want nice summer picnics - gonna get myself a floppy hat and hide underneath from e sun though. whahaha. angela thinks i'm insane cos all i do is complain i'm hot. i've taken to throwing bottles of water into e freezer, so that i can cool myself down with it -.-
ok back to studying!
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